White Bible (white paper) for silicone breast implants.
FDA officially issues in the white Bible (white paper) that silicone
implants are safe for breast augmentation.
The food and drug administration of USA (FDA) announced (23/6/2011) in
the official white Bible its official place on the safety of silicone
implants for breast augmentation.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (A.S.P.S) agrees with the official
statement of the FDA and it supplements that the safety of silicone
breast implants has been proved so much for aesthetic reasons (of breast
augmentation) as for correctional and the re-establishment of breast
after a mastectomy.
Finally women should be frequently checked by their plastic surgeons and
they should
keep the book with the implant code that has been placed.
This statement of the FDA is as much useful for plastic surgeons as for
The statement finishes referring that silicone implants are not life
lasting material and perhaps some women need to replace them after some
ASPS adds, that more than 90% of women are pleased from the procedure
but also from the improvement of their quality of life.
In Kapositas News you will always find world information regarding the safety of silicone breast implants but also all procedures that are based on the science of plastic surgery in collaboration with the American Society of plastic surgery that Dr Nontas Kapositas is an active member of, aiming for the safety of patients is the first priority for us.
Read and see more about breast augmentation in our website: www.kapositas.com
and www.surgery.org