DIVORCE MAKEOVER: Housewife Vicki Gunvalson awarded with a renewal plastic surgery value $ 7500 after the divorce!

Πλαστική χειρουργική διαζύγιοHousewife and star of Orange County, Vicki Gunvalson, managed to end her 17 - year - old marriage in a very unique way.

The 49 year old mother of two children reveals in the weekly magazine, In Touch that she spent above $ 7.500 in order to give herself a renewal with plastic surgery after the divorce.

Vicki, who reveals that she has spent a lot of nights crying after her divorce with Donn Gunvalson, considers that her decision was correct. Her former husband left her for younger Brooks Ayers. Vicki says in the magazine, that she now has a new point of view to life. “I want to have it all!” she declares. And what’s the best way to have it all ? …….a complete body renewal?

Vicki turned to her plastic surgeon that preceded her “divorce-renewal” above. She simply needed a small impulse, says Boca Raton, collaborator of the doctor.

What precisely did Vicki to her body? For starters, she gave 5.700 dollars for Botox, laser and material fulfillment of her face. The plastic surgeon gave her a more juvenile face with laser, injections Botox between her brows, and added fillers material in her cheeks, in her chin and in her lips in order to add volume.

It hurts, but the cares of the aestheticians did not function and I made them says Vicky, that fought for a lot of years with laborious cystic acne and confess that she was uncertain about her skin. As for her body, she admits that it had caused her a lot of years of insecurity, Vicki declare that it oscillates between sizes 6 to 8 and admits: I feel like there is a big comparison with the all others in the show.

Thus, a little before beginning the shooting of the seventh season of her RHOC, her doctor slimmed Vicki’s thighs using a technique of liposuction to the body that freezes the cells of fat and shaped her cellulite in the intermediate department with an outline machine.

Vicki reveals that she is more than satisfied with the results. Certain doctors make the very best to make you look like Barbie Doll. I did not want to resemble plastic, she adds: There is life after a divorce. I am the happiest that I have been for a long time!

More about plastic surgery procedures on www.kapositas.com

and www.surgery.org